“With these changes our industry  is growing and becoming a more interesting market.” - John Ive 

The recent spate of high profile cyber attacks have resulted in the industry being more conscious of cyber security procedures and the need to take security more seriously.

Leading experts will debate and discuss cyber security, best practices and procedures to stay safe in this new age in the session Safety in Numbers: Collaborating against cyber attacks

“The internet and mobile devices changes everything.

”It means more programme makers can make content, and more people have access to that content wherever they are in the world,” said John IABM Director and Executive Producer of the IBC Business Transformation track. 

5G promises to transform how we consume content. The investment in mobile broadband capacity to meet the consumer demand of higher bandwidth services is explored in: What will 5G mean for media?   

The Business Transformation track closes with the IBC Wrap Up: Key trends and take-aways. Industry experts will summarise the themes and significant developments discussed at IBC2017.   

Business Transformation - Tech Talks offers an entire stream in addition to the main track, investigating case studies, mapping out early adopter journeys with tech lumanries from across the globe.

Artificial intelligence (AI), voice and text bots, virutal reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR), IoT and user experience (UX) and their impact set to have on the media and entertainment industry.