How do you accelerate innovation within a legacy organisation? Innovation is not always new, but new ways of thinking about the old.
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IBC365 Accelerating Innovation Podcast EPISODE 7: Changing the game
Engage with the latest in seamless storytelling and transmedia, captivating new young audiences across all channels including gaming and esports.

IBC365 Accelerating Innovation Podcast EPISODE 5: New audiences, new skills, new tech
Dive into the latest tech solutions, new workflows and new skills that are reshaping the way we work. How are businesses staying on top of the latest trends and experimenting to make the right strategic decisions for business success?

IBC Changemakers Podcast Episode 7: Gaming for good and the big yellow bear
Nadira Tudor sits down to talk to inspiring senior leader, news journalist, charity campaigner, storyteller and programme maker, Lisa Kelly.

IBC Changemakers Podcast Episode 5: Collaboration and the power of a cup of coffee
A fascination for nerdy details, the power of bringing surprising people to meetings, and the importance of great coffee are just some of the vital tips parts of the toolkit for great collaboration and making innovation happen, according to Head of Digital Partnerships at Sweden’s SVT, Johan Wahlberg.
IBC Changemakers Podcast Episode 3: No time to mourn our future - A new deal for climate change
Assemble a room full of immense talent and climate change activists and you’ll hear a combination of outrage and optimism around climate activism & the climate emergency.