Nextera Video and Adeas’ SMPTE ST 2110 video over IP FPGA cores now support NMOS IS-09 System Parameters, as well as SMPTE ST 2022-8, SDI Core and Frame Synchronizer companion cores.

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Nextera/Adeas’ SMPTE ST 2110 IP core set has been rigorously tested to ensure it is interoperable and functions to specification

IS-09 was developed by the Advanced Media Workflow Association (AMWA) as part of its Networked Media Open Specifications (NMOS) initiative. This work supports the development and interoperability of new IP-based professional media solutions. The NMOS specifications are recommended by the European Broadcasters Union (EBU) as part of their ‘Minimum User Requirements to Build and Manage an IP-based Media Facility’.

As the latest development in the NMOS ecosystem, IS-09 introduces System Parameters, a key feature enabling NMOS nodes to obtain global configuration parameters that are common across the system. IS-09 defines the System API ‘global configuration resource’ and the expected behaviour for connected Nodes, which allows the Node to start and re-start in a way that is well defined and consistent with the environment it’s running in.

The SMPTE ST 2022-8 companion core works with the Nextera/Adeas ST 2110 Core and ST 2059 Core to enable development of 2110 to/from 2022-8 gateway devices by providing PTP Synchronized 2022-6. The SMPTE ST 2022-8 companion core offers the fast time to market that is crucial for equipment manufacturers developing SMPTE ST 2110 Gateway devices during the current evolution to IP-based facilities.

Nextera and Adeas are also offering an SDI-Bridge companion core, providing all of the missing functions required for production-ready SDI based on the Xilinx UHD SDI Logicore. The SDI Core features audio/ANC embedding and de-embedding, synchronisation, remapping and more. The Nextera/Adeas SDI-Bridge is compatible with HD/3G/6G/12G-SDI and generates SDI data streams according to SMPTE standards with proper synchronisation specified by SMPTE ST 2059.