In January 2020, when global pandemics were thought only to happen in movies, the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) attracted a staggering 171,000 visitors.
But a year and a virus later, CES was a shadow of itself as it struggled to replicate the show online. Even when the show returned as an in-person event in 2022, it did so at a quarter of its previous size.
Since then the Consumer Technology Association (CTA) has done a great job of rebuilding the show. This year attendance was over 135,000, and the number of exhibitors almost back to 2019 levels - boosted by the growing number of European and Asian startups that now make the trip.
A busy show made for high energy levels, and as a crowd gathered waiting for the doors to open on the first morning, everyone felt sure they knew what was about to greet them. This was going to be the CES of generative AI...
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