Aviwest bonded cellular technology is now integrated with CyanView’s RCP multicamera control panel, enabling reliable, low-latency IP-based transmission of control signals from multiple camera types and brands to the control room for live production. 


Aviwest: SST technology is at the heart of the new solution

Using Aviwest technology and CyanView RCP, broadcasters are said to be able to simplify remote operations, reduce costs and enhance their creativity.

CyanView’s RCP ensures seamless integration of specialty cameras into production environments, making it easier to capture any event from any angle, while also reducing setup time, cabling and clutter. With camera control, video correction and video transport handled by a single system, users can remotely control all stages of the ecosystem from a unified interface. Integration with Aviwest bonded cellular technology enables IP-based signal transport, putting these control capabilities at the fingertips of engineers working remotely in production or master control.

“Aviwest has been instrumental in creating the REMI-style at-home live production model,” said David Bourgeois, founder and CEO at CyanView. “With their experience in developing and deploying innovative live production solutions, Aviwest provides our shared customers with valuable guidance and support in implementing more efficient, cost-effective and robust solutions for live production. We have already worked together with PGA TOUR Entertainment, and we look forward to future projects that support broadcasters in bringing dynamic live sports, news, and entertainment programming to air.”

Leveraging the Safe Stream Transport (SST) technology, this solution maintains video genlock and lip sync across multiple cameras for wireless at-home, remote integration and REMI live video production. This allows even the largest live productions to use CyanView’s RCP and Aviwest technology for delivering feeds to video engineers and other technical staff members in master control. Enabling skilled staff members to work at home, this model eliminates traditional travel and lodging costs, increases the availability of technical staff for multiple productions and enables socially distant work, if necessary.

“We’re excited to partner with CyanView and showcase the powerful benefits of our integration for broadcasters,” said Ronan Poullaouec, CTO at Aviwest. “Recently, our solution was used by PGA TOUR Entertainment as four of the world’s best professional golfers faced off in a charity event at Seminole Golf Club near West Palm Beach, Florida. Because of COVID-19, the event was very exclusive, only featuring four golfers, six handheld cameras and zero caddies but it went a long way towards satiating the thirst for live professional sports. The event also showed that remote workflows are possible for golf, as it was produced out of PGA TOUR Entertainment’s facility 250 miles away.”