Digital Nirvana has unveiled MetadataIQ, a metadata automation tool for content producers using the Avid media platform.

A secure and scalable software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution, MetadataIQ offers off-the-shelf integration with Avid Interplay to automate the end-to-end process of generating speech-to-text and video intelligence metadata for Avid-based assets while automatically submitting media for transcription, captioning and translations from within the existing workflow.

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MetadataIQ offers off-the-shelf integration with Avid Interplay

MetadataIQ allows operators to create and ingest different types of metadata — including speech-to-text, facial recognition, OCR, logos and objects, each with customisable marker durations and colour codes for easy identification — that can be accessed via the Avid MediaCentral environment.

Editors type a search term within Interplay or MediaCentral, identify the relevant clip and start creating content. For VOD and content repurposing, video intelligence metadata aids in product placement/replacement and accurately identifying ad spots.

The platform is the first to offer on-premises transcoding and intelligent extraction of audio files to generate speech-to-text transcripts. Users aren’t required to create a low-res proxy or manually import files into Avid MediaCentral.

MetadataIQ automatically generates speech-to-text transcripts for file-based assets in addition to streaming speech-to-text transcripts from growing audio assets in real-time. Operators have the option of sending transcripts to Digital Nirvana’s processing centres for human-curated output, which is returned within Interplay.

MetadataIQ integrates directly with the company’s Trance platform for the generation of transcripts, captions and translations in all industry-supported formats. In-house teams can submit files directly from their existing workflow and receive the output as sidecar files or ingest them directly back into Interplay as markers.

“By delivering complete automation over the generation and ingestion of relevant metadata as locators into Avid, MetadataIQ helps editors accurately identify relevant content to save time and effort. For example, we’ve had users report that the process of creating new content has been reduced from 15 hours to two hours,” said Hiren Hindocha, CEO, Digital Nirvana. “In addition, our platform replaces several traditional manual processes — from creating low-res proxies to submitting files to third parties for transcripts, captions and translations — to increase the efficiency of production, pre-production and live content creation processes.”