Dolby Atmos UHD,  Bundesliga
 Bernhard Herrmann

Adventures beyond stereo: perfecting the immersive audio mix

How do audio engineers develop an expertise in surround mixing and what are the elements that characterise a great immersive mix? David Davies speaks with the best ears in the business to discover more.

Along with 4K and HDR, the rise of immersive audio – led by Dolby Atmos and MPEG-H – has been one of the defining production technology stories of the past decade. From cinema releases and streaming series mixed in Dolby Atmos, to installations and live events being enhanced with different configurations delivered in multiple formats, audio is an increasingly immersive endeavour across application types. 

Identifying a tipping point for a technology is not always easy, but in this case, one can pinpoint the mass availability of immersive audio music, via sites such as Apple Music and Tidal, as an important moment. But despite the increasing footprint of surround music in both professional and consumer domains, it’s arguable that – in relative terms – immersive audio mixing is still in its infancy as regards ‘standard practices’ and a commonly-shared notion of what constitutes a ‘great immersive mix’...

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From multicast to MAUD: the evolution of MABR

Multicast Adaptive Bit-Rate streaming has been held up as a way for ISPs and content providers to deliver mass-audience streamed content – particularly live events – while ensuring consistency of experience. BT is meanwhile pushing ahead with the rollout of its MAUD variant of the technology.

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