The first is a study examining, minute-by-minute, how viewers actually use a catch-up service based on nearly 200,000 programmes. The work was able to classify viewer behaviour into four distinct groups as well as to understand how viewers interact with different types of programmes. The conclusions show that user requirements are not being entirely satisfied and reveal how wider audiences might be attracted to on-demand services.Finally, IBC has been following the development of virtual human deaf signing for over 25 years and has seen some remarkable progress. The biggest challenge has always been the creation of an avatar which can convey the subtleties of human facial expression which form a vital part of language comprehension. This presentation reveals the most remarkable avatar to date, Kiki, who looks real right down to the texture of her skin and hair, and her ability to express a rich variety of human emotion. Join us to witness a new generation in deaf signing technology.


Nick Lodge, Director - Logical Media


Michael Armstrong, Senior R&D Engineer - BBC R&D

Takashi Koyano, Corporate Officer, Digital Solution Center - NHK Enterprises Inc., Japan