In this paper, we will explore the insights that we have gathered from a dedicated immersive media research programme over 2015 –2016.

The BBC has over forty VR, 360 video and immersive audio experiments, that teams across the corporation have developed, covering a broad range of topics. We will look at three exemplary projects.

We will look in particular at the outcomes of research conducted during the creation, development, and deployment of the VR experiments, via dedicated primary market and audience research, as well as audience feedback at scale via the BBC Taster platform. We will draw conclusions from these findings and outline our future research ambitions.


The BBC now has over forty ‘immersive’ projects – described as ‘Pilots’ – developed across the BBC’s content production teams, informed by experimental research from BBC R&D, and published on the BBC’s Taster platform.

These pilots cover topics as broad as the migrant crisis, the Trooping of the Colour, and musical monsters. Three pilots exemplify our research approaches, around low barrier-to-entry (Web VR), experiences developed via gaming platforms and documentary-style 360 video intended for viewing via a VR headset.

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