Sustainability in Production: The albert Report Tells What’s What and Who’s Who

This year’s report to end all reports on sustainability in production dissects industry data, finds the root causes and predicts a path to NetZero. albert, the BAFTA-owned sustainability organisation’s Annual Review 2022, proves the industry’s commitment and identifies the key hurdles to be overcome in the move towards a more sustainable future.

While all industries have been called upon to tackle climate change and reach NetZero by 2050, albert ensures that the production sector does not fall far behind.

This year’s report saw the highest level of engagement albert has ever seen, as 2,404 film and TV productions submitted carbon footprints to albert for review, and 1,933 albert certificates were awarded...

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From multicast to MAUD: the evolution of MABR

Multicast Adaptive Bit-Rate streaming has been held up as a way for ISPs and content providers to deliver mass-audience streamed content – particularly live events – while ensuring consistency of experience. BT is meanwhile pushing ahead with the rollout of its MAUD variant of the technology.

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