The subject of cutting edge technologies is explored by Hannes Ricklefs in his paper ’Stronger together: Cross service media recommendations’ in Luca Vignaroli’s paper entitled ’The Itinerant Orchestra, a 5G, multi-camera, remote and distributed video production experiment’ and in Yuta Hagio’s paper, ’TV-watching Robot: Toward Enriching Media Experience and Activating Human Communication’ and supporting papers titled ’Enhanced Media with a Public Service Data Ecosystem’ by Eleni Sharp.

In this session we shall examine three new ideas which are thought -provoking and potentially media game-changers.

First, we introduce the robot companion who watches TV with your family and friends, and shares the fun and the emotional engagement. Implemented as an autonomous, free-standing character, the robot attends to the screen and enjoys discussing the content. In a trial 70% of participants thought that the robot promoted conversation and a relaxed atmosphere.

Cutting edge technologies

Cutting edge technologies

Our next on-going experimental development concerns a live performance where musicians in a concert hall will play together with itinerant musicians who are walking through the streets of the city. We chart the considerable technical difficulties involved in conveying several low-latency audio and 4k video signals through 5G networks, together with the associated production and artistic challenges. Several key latency problems remain but the date is set for an ambitious concert in the autumn of this year!

The third initiative is a novel means by which an individual’s entire media streaming history, from all their service providers, can be used to provide personal recommendations without any contributing service needing to hold or process their data. The architecture is based upon a Solid data ecosystem concept which permits local storage of personal data and an exchange format which preserves confidentiality while allowing service suppliers’ business models to operate. The Solid repositories or pods used, offer open solutions and conform to W3C standards. Early demonstrator trials have provided an understanding of the benefits, challenges and risks for all parties involved, and have provided great optimism that this ecosystem could become fundamental across many national services involving personal data.

  • More Tech Paper session here

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