The subject of ST2110 on modern IT infrastructure is discussed by Thomas True in his paper ’ST2110 Network-Attached Display for Virtualizing Production’ and by Kieran Kunhya in the paper ’The challenges involved in generating ST 2110 streams on Standard IT Hardware’.

The goal of leveraging modern high-performance IT fabric for professional media handling is laudable. But just how difficult it is? And how close to commercially off the shelf (CoTS) IT equipment are we?

In this session, you will learn from an expert who lays bare their practical experience of the complexities and challenges of implementing ST2110 and asks whether this is the right solution to achieve the goal. In our second paper the author demonstrates a state-of-the-art GPU/DPU in a Microsoft Windows device outputting ST2110 to a networked attached display.

ST2110 on modern IT infrastructure

ST2110 on modern IT infrastructure

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