Kate Waters, ITV

Project Lantern: TV ads and the outcomes business

In a world where 80% of ad spend goes to outcome-based performance channels, how can TV compete effectively?

Driven by wider industry demand to bring digital and TV campaigns closer together, broadcasters and video publishers are looking to use online search behaviour to enable advertisers to better target connected TV (CTV) ads.

Insights from searches on advertiser websites can provide a window into consumer attitudes, interests and intent to buy something. Search also provides marketers with real-time data that is unprompted, granular and comprehensive, making it very useful for targeting ads...

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From multicast to MAUD: the evolution of MABR

Multicast Adaptive Bit-Rate streaming has been held up as a way for ISPs and content providers to deliver mass-audience streamed content – particularly live events – while ensuring consistency of experience. BT is meanwhile pushing ahead with the rollout of its MAUD variant of the technology.

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