Spirit Lab has added to its range of full-frame prime lenses with two new models: the 15mm and 100mm, which join its existing 24, 35, 50, 85 and 135mm lenses, with their distinctive purple banding.
All can cover a maximum image circle of 52mm, more than enough for the likes of the Arri Alexa LF (36.7x25.54mm), Red Monstro (40.96x21.60mm), Sony Venice 6K (36x24mm) or Canon C700 (38.1x20.1mm). In fact, the 85, 100 and 135mm primes can cover up to 65mm.
The lenses are capable of 8K and 16K images, even on an S35 camera, with soft, smooth bokeh, almost zero distortion and imperceptible breathing (thanks to floating correction and displacement compensation). All have a front diameter of 88mm. They come as standard with a PL mount, but interchangeable E/EF/LPL mounts will be available.
Spirit Lab Optics is exhibiting at IBC2019 on Stand 12.D51/12.D73.
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