Dejero is supporting Spanish production company, Quality, with its remote production workflow for the live broadcast of eight soccer matches per week for Tigo Sports’ coverage of El Salvador’s brand new national soccer league, Liga Nacional de Fútbol de El Salvador.

Quality was awarded a three-year production contract by Latin American sports subscription television channel, Tigo Sports. Dejero EnGo is providing mobile transmitters, WayPoint receivers and CuePoint return servers with built-in Smart Blending Technology for Quality’s remote multi-camera productions, enabling uninterrupted connectivity between the stadia and their Buenos Aires production hub.


Dejero are supporting Spanish production company, Quality

Pablo Reyes, chief production officer and partner at Quality, said that by using Dejero services at all the soccer stadiums across El Salvador as well as its Buenos Aires hub, “we have created a remote production workflow that saves a significant amount of time, resources and money”.

With a traditional workflow, an outside broadcast truck and almost all of the production crew would need to physically tour stadiums across El Salvador for ten months of the year to cover the soccer league matches. Reyes said this is no longer the case.

“Thanks to Dejero technology, all of the production facilities and resources remain in Quality’s Buenos Aires hub. This saves between 65% and 70% on setup time and costs, including cable installation, production crew time, travel and other expenses, as well as overall logistics,” he said.