All regulations articles
Revolutionizing Video Compliance with the SpherexAI™ Multimodal Platform
SpherexAI™ is the leading platform for ensuring video content complies with local regulatory standards and cultural expectations worldwide. Our patented technology uses AI and machine learning to analyze and classify content with unmatched precision, providing actionable insights for content adaptation and compliance edits. Trusted by regulators and industry leaders, SpherexAI™ ...
Can AI be regulated? What public policy can(‘t) do to address AI risks
Over the past year, the regulation of AI has been a hot political topic in Europe and in the world. Politicians and regulators have attempted to come up with responses to the new risks created by the rapid development of AI, from surveillance to AI’s impact on the media and ...
Executive Interviews
SMPTE: Transparency and education the keys to managing AI
SMPTE President Renard T. Jenkins calls on artists, lawmakers and the tech community to educate themselves about AI and to do so in sync with each other or fear and misuse will fill the gap.
Industry Trends
Regulating AI: Can new legislation impose order before it’s too late?
A raft of new laws are being drafted in a bid to deliver restraint to the increasingly rapid rollout of AI. But what do media technology developers think should be the priorities for legislation, and is it realistic to hope that some of the bleaker prognoses can still be avoided, ...