The question spurred seven industry experts to comment, the move to cloud attracting considerable comment, especially from Simon Hawkings of Ross Video, who also pointed to the potential sustainability benefits of cloud, as well as the value of flexibility in the workflow. The Switch’s Robert Szabo Rowe also flagged cloud tech and the move away from CapEx to OpEx, while Nicolas Bourdon, EVS highlighted the potential value of automation (such as AI) to allow more time to focus on the creative elements of production. 

Rick Young of LTN also highlighted AI tools, but with a focus on re-monetising existing content and uncovering new revenue streams. AI was also picked out by Abhishek Ranade of Tata Comms, and also remote production especially for sporting events, while both Ali Hodjat of Telestream and Thomas Jørgensen of Appear spoke to the transformative power of the cloud. Interestingly Jørgensen also floated the wider trend towards a hybrid stance, with on-prem processing capacity acting as a cost management measure - it seems the CapEx vs OpEx debate will continue!

Thanks to:

Simon Hawkings, Director of Sales Strategy and Business Acceleration, Ross Video

Robert Szabo Rowe, SVP Engineering & Product Management, The Switch

Nicolas Bourdon, CMO, EVS

Rick Young, SVP, Head of Global Products, LTN

Abhishek Ranade, Managing Director EMEA Direct Communications & Media Services, Tata Comms

Ali Hodjat, VP of Portfolio Marketing, Telestream

Thomas Bostrøm Jørgensen, CEO, Appear