A live event playout system, Amagi Dynamic, is set to be unveiled at IBC. Designed to manage multiple simultaneous live events, Amagi Dynamic operates independently of any specific channel while providing substantial cost savings and unmatched operational flexibility.

Built upon the Amagi Live system, it’s designed to control and manage numerous parallel events independently, allowing viewers to choose and watch the live events of their preference – even if they are happening simultaneously. This eliminates the need for separate linear channels for each event, making it a cost-effective solution.


Parallel lives: Simultaneous event playout goes live

Amagi will be showcasing features of the live event playout system, including dynamic spinning up and down of playout resources; complete orchestration from live stream intake to playout based on live event schedules; multi-tenant system supporting redundancy and operational flexibility across regions; support of video resolutions up to UHD, low latency (less than two seconds), motion graphics, live captioning, ad break controls and more.

Stand Number: 4.A06, 5.A81, 4.A08

Company: Amagi