The IBC2023 conference (15-18th September, 2023) presents an array of intriguing sessions over four days, with many focusing on the transformative technology that’s shaping the future of media, broadcasting, and entertainment. Here are a few stand-out sessions to look out for.

IABM Session: State of MediaTech - Key drivers of change in 2023 and beyond

IBC2019 Lorenzo Zanni

Lorenzo Zanni, Head of Insight & Analysis, IABM

This session (9.30-10.15, 15 September) aims to shine a light on the current state of the MediaTech industry and driving forces triggering change as we step further into the 21st century.

At IBC2023, Lorenzo Zanni, Head of Insight & Analysis, IABM will be joined by Jade Kurian, President and Co-Founder, latakoo; Kishore Krishnamurthy, CTO, Zee; Aditi Pandey, Head of Vendor Management & Partnerships, NRK; and Allen Broome, CEO, MediaKind.

The convergence of technologies such as 5G, AI, and Cloud computing, combined with shifting consumer demands, will be a key talking point and these technological drivers are already reshaping content creation, distribution, and consumption.

Given the rapid evolution of technology in the media landscape, understanding these key drivers (with the IABM’s analysis and data-driven insights) will be critical for broadcasters, tech companies, and content creators alike.

Find out more about the IABM at IBC2023.

Technical Papers: How AI is advancing media production 

Tech Papers

What might an AI newsroom be like? Find out at IBC2023.

Artificial Intelligence’s increasing influence on media production sits at the heart of this session (11.00-12.30, 15 September), part of the IBC Techical Papers track. 

Momoko Maezawa, Research Engineer, NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) and Danielle Arets, Prof Journalism and Innovation, Fontys University of Applied Sciences will delve into the advancements AI has brought about in automating processes, improving content quality, and even curating content based on audience preferences.

Topics covered include: predicting what an AI-empowered newsroom might look like, AI TV editing using neural networks to find and edit the most important elements, and AI that can identify the nature and intensity of emotion in a dramatic scene and compose and perform background music to accompany it.

Discover more about Technical Papers at IBC2023.

Virtual Production & the Metaverse: A future where everyone is invited to play

4. ITV Studios Launches The Voice in the Metaverse

ITV Studios launched The Voice in the Metaverse.

The Metaverse is still a buzzword in the tech industry, signalling the future of interactive, immersive online environments. This year’s show keynote (13.00-13.45, 15 September) delves into the virtual production technologies required to build and shape a Metaverse that is accessible and equitable.

Marco Tempest, Directors Fellow Alumni, MIT Media Lab; Creative Technologist, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory And Founder,, will be your guide.

Given that traditional media production methodologies might not be wholly compatible with the requirements of creating future Metaverse content, Marco Tempest will look at the new tools, technologies, and techniques that are emerging, such as the integration of augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and mixed reality (MR) in creating holistic digital experiences

IBC2023 runs from 15-18 September 2023. Catch up on all the news on the IBC365 Live Blog.