Day 4 might look quieter (the show closes its doors at 16:00), but it promises to be no less impactful. It’s a fitting end to IBC2023.

Changemakers will continue to explore the themes of inclusion, sustainability in production and optimising the work/life balance. On the Innovation Stage, meanwhile, streaming and immersive XR experiences will be the hot topics. And it’s game on at the Showcase Theatre, where gaming and esports will dominate discussions. Here’s your preview of Day 4.


This last day of IBC2023 starts at 10:00 with a “Networking breakfast: A spotlight on the importance of allyship”. Muki Kulhan (IBC Accelerators), Sadie Groom (Bubble Agency, Rise), Amy DeLouise (DeLouise Enterprises), and Megan Wagoner (Women in Streaming Media) will be exploring the idea of effective allyship over brunch.


Wincie Knight, Paramount Global, will talk about committing to inclusion.

At 11:00, learn from Wincie Knight (Paramount Global) about instilling inclusion in your organisation and ensuring everyone feels heard. Her session is entitled: “In Conversation with Wincie Knight, Paramount: Committing to inclusion”. 

Come 11:45, attendees can dive into “Sustainability in Production: Uncle Albert and the new kids on the block”. Neal Romanek (The Flint), April Sotomayor (albert), Katy Bolan (Google TV), and Roser Canela (ITV Studios) discuss embedding sustainability in productions and addressing climate concerns. Look out for a video recording of this one in the coming days.

At 12:45, the day wraps with “A Manifesto for Change: Designing our work/life differently”. Panellists Wesa Aapro (YLE), Amy Woltemath (Sky Deutschland GmbH), Aisling Jarvis (BBC Studios), and Lakshmi Sharma (Fastly) will debate optimising workplace culture and strategies for a thriving environment.

Innovation Stage

The Innovation Stage starts to wrap up its content programme on Day 4 with “IBC Accelerators - Real Time Interactive Streaming Personalises Live Experiences” at 10.45. This session delves into how streaming can bolster advertising revenue by enhancing viewer engagement with real-time experiences.

Real Time XR Sport

Real Time XR Sport is coming your way.

Later, at 12:15, the focus shifts to another 2023 Accelerators project “Real-Time XR Sport Edge”. Attendees will discover the immersive potential of digital twin XR Sports, complete with high-end graphics and virtual advertising for an all-encompassing fan experience.

Content Everywhere

On Stage 1, Day 4 begins at 10:15 with “Whip Media FASTrack™: The FAST/AVOD Reporting Solution for Small-Medium Sized Distributors”. Discover how to streamline viewership and financial reporting across content partners for increased efficiency.

At 12:00, Gareth Capon (CEO - Grabyo) presents a live demonstration on cutting-edge “Live Production Tools in the Cloud”. Learn how Ad insertions enhance live outputs for optimised revenue streams in the changing TV landscape.

While at 12:45, the discussion “OTT Lessons from Around the World” unfolds. Reflect on the evolution of online video consumption and the new monetization strategies defining the future of Connected TVs.

Grabyo-1-AM-pix-PUB EMBARGO 30 August 3x2

Grabyo CEO Gareth Capon will demo live producing tools in the cloud.

On Stage 2, meanwhile, Adam Tenorio (Gracenote) dives into how standardised metadata can power FAST platform UI’s and enhance content distribution. His talk, “Metadata the Essential Building Block for FAST”, begins at 10:15.

At 11:15, the focus shifts to “Open-source ultra-low bitrate compression for video conferencing without a camera”, where Marcus Edel (Collabora) presents a revolutionary compression pipeline and highlights its broadcasting capabilities and efficiency at low bitrates.

At 12:15, the spotlight is on “Unlocking Opportunities and Safeguarding Rights: Exploring Intertrust’s MarketMaker solution toolkit for digital media”. Zaki Alattar and Albhy Galuten (Intertrust Technologies) explore how MarketMaker leverages Web3, transforming digital media with blockchain technology for fair compensation and rights management.

Note: not all Content Everywhere sessions are included in this preview. A full list can be viewed in the IBC Content Agenda.

Showcase Theatre

At the Showcase Theatre, it’s all about games, games, games. At 11:00, there’s a “Fireside Chat with Ubisoft Film & Television: From gaming to on-screen”. Here, Helene Juguet (Ubisoft Film & Television Paris) will discuss the symbiosis between film and gaming, tapping into broader audiences.

Afterwards, at 11:45, the session “Growth in Gaming: All you need to know about top gaming trends” will get underway. In a fascinating half-hour, Liam Deane (Omdia) will break down emerging game industry trends and highlight cross-industry opportunities.

“Blurred lines: Gaming & film tech fusion in Fortnite’s Moontopia” unfolds at 12:15 with visual effects maestro HaZ Dulull (HaZimation), while at 13:00, there’s a panel exploring in-game advertising’s transformative potential - “Is in-game advertising a game-changer?”

esports zone 1

What is the long term vision for esports?

Finally, at 13:45, “What is the long-term vision for esports?” kicks off. Anna Rozwandowicz (The Story Mob) and experts like Boudewijn Kryne (Team Liquid), Daniel Offen (Unlocked), and Simon Eicher (ESL FACEIT GROUP) analyse the evolving entertainment landscape of esports.

Partner Sessions

There are three sessions to close out the Partner Programme at IBC2023, starting at 10:00 with “SMPTE: AI in live broadcast”. Here, key figures such as Richard Welsh (Deluxe) and Benjamin Poor (European Broadcasting Union) will discuss how AI tools can boost global engineering education access.

By 11:00, we shift gears to dive into the session: “What’s next for Audio? Audio Codecs & Object Based Media”. Moderated by Russell Trafford-Jones (Techex), experts such as Ann Charles, Bruce Devlin (, Stefan Meltzer (Fraunhofer IIS), and Daniela Rieger (Fraunhofer IIS) will debate the future of audio in media.

From 12:00, IBC2023’s Partner Sessions go for a big finish with a lengthy session entitled: “SCTE: Tackling the telco net zero challenge”. Peter Veerman (SCTE / Deltafiber Nederland) and professionals like Ralf Hemecker (CE+T Power), Daniel Rixhon (CE+T Power), Roelof Potters (Alliander), and Daan Bonenkamp (Hirschmann Multimedia) will unveil strategies for energy-efficient telecom solutions.

And that’s it. There is no more. At least not at the RAI Amsterdam. IBC365, however, will have session recordings, speaker interviews, plus extra news and features over the next few weeks. Stay tuned.

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