All Smart home articles
Demo: HOMA: Smart home and home security solution
IBC2022: Homa is an IoT solution independently developed by SEI Robotics and built in Google ecosystem to provide global operator customers with smart home, home security products and value-added business expansion.
Industry Trends
How future market and technology trends will define the home device market
The home device market has seen significant growth over the past couple of years, with more content and services being streamed into such devices than ever before. How are the trends around the technology and use-cases driving development?
Executive Interviews
The smart home industry is ‘going through a critical period’
Mr. WU Xin, general manager of fixed network and multimedia products (in charge of DHOME products) at ZTE Corporation, anticipates a growth in personalised smart home systems thanks to 5G and technologies such as AI and Wi-Fi writes David Davies.
Thought Leadership
Is it time to have a natural language dialogue with your TV?
Voice search along with organic haptic feedback is part of the future of television, forecasts Ferdinand Maier, CEO, ruwido Austria
Technical Papers
Securing the digital home
Your smart thermostat automatically adjusts the temperature when you’re away.
Technical Papers
Future of voice control for consumer interactions with IoT systems: in the context of integration with other services offered by traditional service providers
As the population in developed countries ages and installations of flat screens continue en-mass, consumers’ affection for large TV screens grows.