In these technical papers, authors from Arqiva, Orbitalize, EBU and Groupe Média TFO describe real-world applications in: media contracting, intellectual property, media asset management and a legitimate peer-peer video sharing model.

Even though it was first described some 10 years ago, this is the cutting-edge technology that everyone is talking about in 2018.

Its fame arises as the underlying trust mechanism in cryptocurrencies but many are now making huge claims about its potential in a range of non-financial applications, including media. 

IBC2018: Tech Talks

IBC2018: Tech Talks

Representatives from three large media companies describe real-world applications in: media contracting, intellectual property, media asset management and a legitimate peer-peer video sharing model.

Download the technical papers: 

Blockchain technology: Revolutionising the video value chain by Arqiva, UK

Using blockchain to ensure genuine media assets by Orbitalize, Switzerland and EBU, Switzerland

Using blockchain to manage production and distribution by Groupe Média TFO, Canada