IBC2023: As AI takes centre stage in the Media and Entertainment world, how do we ensure unbiased usage and ethical adoption? At IBC2023 in Amsterdam, Renard T. Jenkins, President, SMPTE, looked at the opportunities and limitations of AI and discussed solutions to potential flaws.
2024-09-14T04:00:00Z By Adrian Pennington
IBC2024: In the session titled ‘Can AI be regulated? What public policy can(‘t) do to address AI risks’, speakers Renard Jenkins, President of SMPTE, and Francois Lavoir, Senior EU Policy Advisor for the EBU, debated some of the responses to the new risks created by the rapid development of AI ...
2024-09-13T15:55:00Z By John Maxwell Hobbs
IBC2024: The conference session, ‘Building the Future of Tech’ brought together leading technologists from Chanel 4, Sky, and the BBC to present insights into the way tech innovation and development in their companies is shaped by both internal and external considerations.
Media cartographer Evan Shapiro and RTS Chief Executive Theresa Wise chartered the impact on the UK TV market of the collision of native publishers and multinational streamers.
2024-09-13T14:37:00Z By Jo Ruddock
Mike Crimp, IBC CEO, discusses the organisation’s progress in terms of ESG and reveals plans to make the show as sustainable as possible.
IBC is seeing the global debut of enhancements to the wXcked Eye monitoring UI from IEX-owned swXtch.io, offering visibility down to the packet level for enhanced monitoring and QoS.
Celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2024, Ross Video demonstrated its latest live production solutions at IBC2024 in Amsterdam in September. Ross Video Chairman and CEO, David Ross, highlighted a range of solutions for the creative industries, including infrastructure and routing, switchers, motion graphics, enterprise control systems, robotics and media asset ...
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