You vs. Wild: The new Bear Grylls interactive show, launches April 10
You vs. Wild: The new Bear Grylls interactive show, launches April 10

Netflix original: Inside Netflix’s post-production operation

From interactive episodes of Black Mirror to Bear Grylls’ latest series, Netflix’s post-production operation and supply chain is responsible for servicing the insatiable appetite for original content that will see it deliver more than 1,000 branded shows this year.

The Netflix supply chain, which underpins its rapid growth, is set to become even more integral to everything from editorial to user experience as it attempts to become the most innovative content creator on the planet.

“Where companies like Netflix are producing content at unprecedented levels of complexity, quality and velocity, we need to rethink what...

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From multicast to MAUD: the evolution of MABR

Multicast Adaptive Bit-Rate streaming has been held up as a way for ISPs and content providers to deliver mass-audience streamed content – particularly live events – while ensuring consistency of experience. BT is meanwhile pushing ahead with the rollout of its MAUD variant of the technology.

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